Day 23 - A wierd thing about the boys

Hmm.... Jag vet inte.

Day 22 - A happy/sad video with One Direction

Day 21 - Your favorite friend or family member of One Direction

Louis kusin Grace Tomlinson

Day 20 - Favorite televised performance

Day 19 - Your favorite thing about everybody in the band

Det går inte att välja en sak!

Day 18 - Pictures on your phone

Har för många så orkar inte lägga upp :)

Day 17 - Someone you became friends with through One Direction

En tjej som heter Evelina :)

Day 16 - Favorite One Direction funny video

Mat och bakningsläger

Första dagen avklarad på mat och bakningslägret! Det var grymt kul!! Vi bakade blåbärsbullar!! Imorrn ska vi baka pizza och om vi hinner så ska vi baka cupcakes! :D Har haft en as bra dag iallafall! Men på torsdag så åker jag bort för att fira midsommar! Så jag tar blogg paus då! Men sen så ska jag och Ellen åka och campa nån dag efter midsommar men då så kommer jag att skriva det här så att ni får reda på när vi åker och tar bloggpaus och så! Ha det så bra!

ttyl Linnéa!!


Ska bara säga att jag har bestållt galet grymma grejor! Tycker iallafall jag! XD Ni får veta vad det är när det har kommit! Kani om du läser det här inlägget så kommer du att hata när jag skriver sen vad jag har köpt!!

ttyl Linnéa!!

Day 15 - A favorite interview with One Direction

Day 14 - Favorite One Direction tweet

Day 13 - A One Direction best memories

Day 12 - Favorite video of the X-Factor Video Diary


men jag har vart hos min farmor och farfar och sen så har jag vart lite ledsen för min hamster har dött... Gråter när jag tänker på det. Men jag kommer kanske inte blogga så mycket imorrn för jag ska på en skolavslutning. Jag har redan haft skolavslutning men det e en annan som har det! Men nu ska jag gå. Jag kanska tar en liten bloggpaus nu ett litet tag. Ni får ha det så bra! Puss och kram :*

ttyl Linnéa!!

Haha Niall!

Me, Myself, and I
...ari everybod! ..... the name is in 5th year in mary's... singin is my life do nothin else!..... im always up for a laff..... so if u know me or wanna know me leave uz a comment and do my blogs girls.... ..cya later bud
'' I don't consider myself as the best manager in the business,
but im in the top one'' by the genius who was and still is Brian clough
Holly Scally bud  and Lauren Leahy bud
Lauren think shes lovely with her two story deckkking
10-august-2010 03:31 ..Yeaaah man
Go home man, your always in laurens
Your gonna be on x factor
yeah buy me the aftershave  Sound
Slan now
everything apart from heavy metal...and really techno dance...
the script, chris brown(wata man)..NE-YO(mr.independant himself)... i love listenin to my brother tryin to sing rebel songs hahah....jason mraz....rihanna..take that....super frank sinatra(fuckin legend)...dean martin...the derby county loyal singin on a saturday....michael buble(wata man)....the eagles(all of them over 50/60 and they can still sing/play guitar like they were 20)....the kooks(wata band)...the coronas...kings of leon(fuckin class)..the killers....muse(so dylan likes to think)...
anything funny.stand up comedy dvds...any italian-american gangster movies like the godfather, the goodfellas....anything wi adam sandler in it
derby county football club (nigel cloughs barmy army), golf(world class golfer i am)...state of pats sean(apart from ur manager and assistant)
Scared Of
dyin, ...bein scraped by a certain someones nails..fuck sake it hurts....and bein kicked and punched in the balls by the same person..
Happiest When
havin a laff...oh i love eh..some buzz....blarin the tunes(then the neighbours go mad)..watchin derby(not always)...and wi this person (no names)
derby county
i have been a derby county fan for as long as i can remember!!!went to my first game when i was 4..and i go to a game atleast 3 times a month ...i shud move over!! i sit in stair 19 north stand upper..gotta get out of there fuckin shit...wen i get a job im buyin a season ticket down in south east corner!!the best.....btw we hate forest!!! fuckin scummy wankers from trent side
|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__\ |__|__ dcfc~fan~bus~_|_|__\ |_________________ |_| ____| |_(@'@)____________|_|(@)__| This is the derby county fan bus. copy the bus 2 ur homepage if ur a dcfc fan
Me, Myself, and I
...ari everybod! ..... the name is in 5th year in mary's... singin is my life do nothin else!..... im always up for a laff..... so if u know me or wanna know me leave uz a comment and do my blogs girls.... ..cya later bud
'' I don't consider myself as the best manager in the business,
but im in the top one'' by the genius who was and still is Brian clough
Holly Scally bud  and Lauren Leahy bud
Lauren think shes lovely with her two story deckkking
10-august-2010 03:31 ..Yeaaah man
Go home man, your always in laurens
Your gonna be on x factor
yeah buy me the aftershave  Sound
Slan now
everything apart from heavy metal...and really techno dance...
the script, chris brown(wata man)..NE-YO(mr.independant himself)... i love listenin to my brother tryin to sing rebel songs hahah....jason mraz....rihanna..take that....super frank sinatra(fuckin legend)...dean martin...the derby county loyal singin on a saturday....michael buble(wata man)....the eagles(all of them over 50/60 and they can still sing/play guitar like they were 20)....the kooks(wata band)...the coronas...kings of leon(fuckin class)..the killers....muse(so dylan likes to think)...
anything funny.stand up comedy dvds...any italian-american gangster movies like the godfather, the goodfellas....anything wi adam sandler in it
derby county football club (nigel cloughs barmy army), golf(world class golfer i am)...state of pats sean(apart from ur manager and assistant)
Scared Of
dyin, ...bein scraped by a certain someones nails..fuck sake it hurts....and bein kicked and punched in the balls by the same person..
Happiest When
havin a laff...oh i love eh..some buzz....blarin the tunes(then the neighbours go mad)..watchin derby(not always)...and wi this person (no names)
derby county
i have been a derby county fan for as long as i can remember!!!went to my first game when i was 4..and i go to a game atleast 3 times a month ...i shud move over!! i sit in stair 19 north stand upper..gotta get out of there fuckin shit...wen i get a job im buyin a season ticket down in south east corner!!the best.....btw we hate forest!!! fuckin scummy wankers from trent side
|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__\ |__|__ dcfc~fan~bus~_|_|__\ |_________________ |_| ____| |_(@'@)____________|_|(@)__| This is the derby county fan bus. copy the bus 2 ur homepage if ur a dcfc fan
Han är bäst på att stava


Jag älskar att se massa glada studenter,känner mig som en ond mästare & tänker "You may laugh now,but soon arbetslöshet Will bitchslap U".

#top5bands One Direction, White Eskimo, Niall and the Potatoes, Juan Direction, Wand Erection.

Louis: I dedicated 'More Than This' to Eleanor. Liam: I dedicated 'WMYB' to Danielle. Niall: I dedicated 'I Want' to Nando's.

Day 11 - Favorite One Direction part of Pokémon Diary

Day 10 - Favorite photo of One Direction

The X Factor time, when nobody knew that they exist.

Hästar som jag har ridit

A Ari, Alle, Audur, Alice

B Brusi, Bersi, Bleikur, Björn

C -

D Draumur

E Eilifur

F Fanny

G -

H Hilding, Himrafaxi


J -

K Keimur

L -

M Mjölnir

N -

O -

P Prince

Q -

R -

S Sergej, Sokki, Silfri, Stefnir

T Taktur, Tyr

U -

V Vidar, Veangur

W -

X -

Y -

Z -

Å -

Ä -

Ö Örn

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