Day 30 - What One Direction means to you

The world. Everything, my life. The reason why I smile. I think all directioners should take over America and kick everyone out, then we will transform it into Narnia. Everyone will live in towns according to their favorite. If you have multiple favorites, you'll have a house in everytown! Nialler Town will not have a drinking age so we can all have massive drinking parties together, and will have thousands of buffet restaurants for free so we can eat all the time. In Louis Land everyone will wear stripes and own a boat Harryville will have lots of cats In Zayntopia, the buildings will be made of mirrors and there will be tons of tattoo parlors so everyone can get tats :). In Liamopolus, Toy Story marathons will be mandatory and everyone will have a flashing toothbrush and spoons will be outlawed :) Danielle will teach us how to dance, Eleanor will help us pick out clothes and Perrie will give us singing lessons Higginators will be police officers and put all directionators and haters in jail and beat them with spoons. Baby Lux will be our president and the boys birthdays will be national holidays. Torn will be our national anthem. We will all live peacefully in Narnia and all fangirl together.


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